The Wright Leadership® Program

You do not want just any leader, you want the Wright Leader!

About The Wright Leadership® Program

I lead, mentor and coach all participants in the Wright Leadership® Program to ensure their successful completion. I have over 40 years of experience in leadership development and the academic credentials to support these efforts.

When selecting a partner to work alongside your team in the development of leadership, it is essential that your partner offers a customized approach aligned with your organization’s specific needs. Leadership development is an individual effort within the team. No one-size-fits-all approach will ever achieve the desired results. You need a partner who is an authentic transformational leader capable of coaching and mentoring in the field on their feet.

Transformational Performance Solutions is a certified Service-Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business, and I am a decorated naval veteran who has led military units during war as well as led some of this country’s most iconic companies (CAT, Kraft, Firestone, Northrop Grumman, etc.).

Utilizing my experience, certifications and original research into leadership, I created and trademarked the Wright Leadership® Program—a unique approach to developing authentic and transformational leaders with a foundation in ownership.

Are you ready for your organization to have the Wright leaders in place?

Program Information - The Wright Leadership®

You don’t have to spend long in the working world to recognize there are multiple types of leaders. Every kind of leader motivates, challenges, and develops employees in different ways. Their corresponding styles can all inspire different outcomes.

As the world of business continually changes and evolves, the need for effective leaders also skyrockets. To become a truly empowering enterprise, a business must develop leaders throughout the organization. In fact, the organization of the future is one where everyone is a leader. It is only when people can lead themselves that they can genuinely be creative and innovative.

These beliefs led to the creation of the Wright Leadership® program … a dynamic and innovative development process that focuses on magnifying potential and creating great leaders. The process addresses four critical levels that a person must master to become a Wright Leader. Through our trademarked Wright Leadership® Program, we can help you and your people achieve that ultimate goal.


Ownership is the foundation of all effective leadership and a basic aspect of human nature, yet many people lack the direction they need to achieve their desired results. At its core, taking ownership at work means taking initiative and responsibility for your growth and the success of your team or organization. Every good team needs players willing to step up and take ownership of (as opposed to wanting to blame others for) mistakes or challenges.
Our development process will help members of your organization:


  • Evaluate their attitude and make productive behavioral changes.
  • Proactively develop goals versus reactively dealing with crisis.
  • Set goals and achieve results.
  • Increase productivity by determining priorities.
  • Communicate more effectively.
  • Deal with interruptions.
  • Become a team player.
  • Thrive in a learning environment.

Transformational Leadership

Transformational Leadership is the core of an individual’s character. It’s a quality that is exemplified when a person represents an organization in the outside world or interacts with others in the organization. Personal motivation and self-image are key to how one performs, responds, and leads. In recent years, transformational leadership has risen to the surface.

Organizations in all industries are seeing rapid change in today’s digital era. Transformational leaders know how to encourage, inspire, and motivate employees to perform in ways that create meaningful change.

The result is an engaged workforce that’s empowered to innovate and help shape an organization’s future success. Your curiosity may leave you wondering, “What is transformational leadership, exactly?”


  • Individualized consideration — Transformational leaders listen to employees’ concerns and needs so they can provide adequate support. They operate from the understanding that what motivates one person may not motivate someone else. As a result, they’re able to adapt their management styles to accommodate various individuals on their team.
  • Inspirational motivation — Transformational leaders can articulate a unified vision that encourages team members to exceed expectations. They understand that the most motivated employees are the ones who have a strong sense of purpose. These leaders are not afraid to challenge employees. They remain optimistic about future goals and are skilled at giving meaning to the tasks at hand.
  • Idealized influence — Transformational leaders’ model ethical behavior. Their moral conduct earns a necessary level of respect and trust. This can help leaders steer decision-making that works to improve the entire organization.
  • Intellectual stimulation — Transformational leaders regularly challenge assumptions, take risks, and solicit team members’ input and ideas. They don’t fear failure, and instead foster an environment where it’s safe to have conversations, be creative and voice diverse perspectives. This empowers employees to ask questions, practice a greater level of autonomy and ultimately determine more effective ways to execute their tasks.

Authentic Leadership

Authentic Leadership is the ability to lead and motivate others; unfortunately, many people lack the necessary traits to execute these skills. Authentic leadership is a theory that is still forming in the business world. The idea of authentic leadership is that leaders are seen as genuine and “real.” It takes on the entire theory that for leaders, being themselves is key to finding success. There are other important leadership skills, but being yourself helps you hone those skills. But does it work? It appears that the answer is yes. In fact, research shows that authentic leadership is the biggest predictor of an employee’s job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and workplace happiness.

If you’re looking to become a business leader, it’s important to understand the variety of leadership styles and theories, as well as understand authentic leadership and how being yourself could be your best option. Learn more about the authentic leadership theory, how you can develop it, and how it could benefit your team.

  • Sense of purpose – Being a leader that is authentic involves demonstrating a sense of purpose that is real and approachable. Often, having a sense of purpose will come out as a sense of passion in practice. Passionate leadership involves caring about the work they are doing, and seeing leaders care makes employees more interested in caring about their work too. Leaders that have authenticity connect to their employees by showing interest in what they do, an interest in the large picture for the organization, and a passion for helping create success.

  • Distinct values – Authentic leaders have specific values, and they don’t compromise on them for anything. This is also known as integrity. Integrity is crucial behavior for leadership to truly be successful. A leader behaves in a way that is always in line with their values and expects high ethical standards and integrity in employees as well. Employees that see leaders who have values and things that are important to them will find respect and appreciation for their leader. The values of an authentic leader will vary based on their specific beliefs and morals, and they can be shaped by their company policy as well. Ethical leadership and authentic leadership go hand-in-hand. This kind of leadership means that a Leader will have their own personal standard of ethics and values that they will stay by no matter what. 

  • Relationship building – Authentic leaders build relationships with their employees and colleagues and try to establish real connections with the people around them throughout the organization. They are willing to share things about themselves, communicate, and listen to others. Employees react better to Leaders who they believe really care about them and remember things about their lives. When an employee has a Leader that they know cares about them and their life outside the office, they’re more invested in staying and having a good relationship with that Leader.

  • Goals and self-discipline – Goals and self-discipline help authentic leaders have the focus they need to move forward, no matter what comes their way. Consistent, cool, calm—that is the kind of leader you want during a storm or stressful times. Having goals in mind, and the self-discipline to get there is what makes an authentic leader easy to follow. Employees feel confident and calm when they see a leader that has that self-discipline as well. It also encourages their own self-awareness for their reaction and response, encouraging them to be calm and relaxed as well. An organization can thrive when leadership demonstrates patience and calm no matter what.

  • Genuine heart – Authentic leaders are willing to show compassion to their employees. They are sensitive to the needs of others and are willing to help them get what they need. This self-awareness is important to help team members really trust leadership. There are many positive effects that can come from this kind of self-awareness and leadership. This genuine heart helps employees feel that they are more than just a cog in the machine—they know that their leader sees them as a person and cares about them as a person. Mental health, emotional intelligence, self-awareness, and sensitivity are all important to this kind of leadership.

Strategic Leadership

Top Management Team Composition is the ability to define and develop the purpose of the organization, determine its key strategies, select the right people for the right roles, and oversee the processes required to achieve success. It means putting together the right individuals with the relevant skill sets and expertise, to not only help a team accomplish its goals, but to also maximize the team’s overall effectiveness. According to Enhancing the Effectiveness of Team Science, team composition is essential to ensure high performance teams.

  • Clarify your strategic purpose (why you exist)
  • Complete a comprehensive strategic assessment (where you stand now)
  • Create your strategic development (where you want to go)
  • Implement your strategic execution (make it happen)


  • Roles within the team – For teams to thrive, each individual team member should have complete clarity over what they’re supposed to be doing, and how their efforts contribute towards the bigger picture. Something that is only possible with clearly defined roles and responsibilities. In fact, not only does this help prevent important things from falling through the gaps, but it also enables everyone in the team to understand how they each contribute to the team’s overall success, in turn increasing team morale, productivity, and engagement.
  • Abilities within the team – High performing teams often consist of a group of individuals with different abilities. In other words, different skills, and knowledge. Only once a leader understands the skills and knowledge within their team, can they make informative decisions, decisions such as which roles and responsibilities to assign within their team.
  • Personalities within the team – Personality plays a huge part in team success – employees work better when the organization caters to their strengths. Plus, in a high performing team leaders need people who get along with one another, who can work together, and want to pull together to achieve the common aim. Which means that when they’re composing and developing their team, your leaders need to be considering team dynamics.
  • Team diversity – Team diversity doesn’t simply refer to a team’s demographics. It also refers to physical locations, status, seniority, nationality, cultural norms, personality, values, motivations, individual knowledge, and expertise. When teams were composed of highly diverse disciplines, rather than just experts in a particular field, they were able to improve scientific outcomes.
  • Team size – While numbers in a team will vary according to the task at hand the most effective teams have 10 or fewer members – too many cooks spoil the broth etc. As a guide, leaders might consider compiling large teams only, when necessary, whereas they should aim for smaller teams to be more productive.

When teams comprise all five aspects of team composition, it creates a bridge across the various diverse elements of the team, connecting them all together.

The best leaders are Wright Leaders