Maintaining materials take up a large part of a plant’s maintenance costs. Not having the right materials in the right place at the right time is a common cause of productivity loss and reduced reliability. This is one of the largest issues faced by many planners and supervisors. Reliability starts with a good design and accuracy based spare parts management.

We focus on:
- Understanding the impact of maintenance storeroom management on maintenance performance.
- Organizing for efficient materials management and maximum plant reliability.
- Aligning objectives for purchasing, storeroom, and maintenance managers
- Developing the skills required for effective maintenance materials management.
- Understanding the critical importance of materials data accuracy.
- Integrating materials management with plant reliability.
- Inventory management basics for supplies and spare parts.
- Developing a logical, step-by-step process to decide what spares to stock.
- Managing obsolete stock.
- Integrating materials and engineering information.
- Creating spare parts lists efficiently.
- Searching for parts and supplies effectively, even with your existing data.
- Managing spare parts interchangeability.
- Managing repairable spare parts.
- Developing work kits.
- Using storeroom information to track reliability improvements.